Thursday, September 10, 2009

"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." - James Baldwin

I was called from Kaid's Teacher this Afternoon, asking for a meeting, I was excited, to see this step from his teacher, however reluctant, to really Go by myself knowing how emotional I was already. I told her I would be there, and eager to talk about kaid. Walking in to his room, kaid was waiting for me , I could tell ( Smell) a noticeable not good Oder. First things first, I thought.. Breathe.. As his class was walking down the hall to go to the bus, ( leaving us by his room, as are meeting was right after school ) I quickly Checked his Pull-up. I almost Passed out.. With Tears Streaming down my cheeks, I rushed him into the closest bathroom, and layed out little brothers blanket for his head, to change his Pull-up. As I changed him, visibly noticed how, this Business did not just occur, it appears to be quite sometime that he was left this way. Really? How in the world could they not noticeably smell that Oder? I was blown away, yet.. now it's way more serious, this is Major Neglect! I put a smile on my face, as kaid was giving me a worried look, as he was seeing me crying. As I reassured him he was ok, that momma just needed to have a little talk with his teacher. Walking back into his class room, I was filled with emotion, immediately as she walked in, she started talking, catching me off guard. I am not going to post a long one tonight, all I will say is this. Education is extremely important to me, having my son with special needs has truly opened my eyes to truly careless Teachers, Today was a day that I will never forget. Though I will say, he has had some Amazing Teachers as well. So not the case here... His IEP has still not been read, I actually brought my copy with me, as ( HELLO what parent would not be prepared )
His teacher did not have a copy, nor was privy to it.
He's Out of this school, Hopefully Tomorrow will be his Last day.

My Gut told me all along, that this was not a good fit. Tomorrow.. No more MR. Nice mom.. It's Demanding time, Sorry.. it's the way it is. 1 whole Week with Neglect.. That's 1 week Too long!
Legal or non Legal.. This is Ridicules.

4 love notes:

Corey said...

Way to go Andrea for taking a stand! Kaid is sooooo much better off not there! I hope you find a place better suited for him. I feel sorry for the rest of the kids left in his classroom though. Honestly, these teachers need to find a new profession since they obviously don't enjoy doing their job of caring for children.

Maggie said...

Im glad you are blogging about this.. I think it will help and inspire people. I know you will find a great place for Kaid. You are a great mom! I wonder if these people have ever dealt with special needs children before?

Kristen said...

unreal. Yank him out of there asap and call the school board. I cant beleive kids would be treated this way.

Jennifer's Kitchen said...

I can just imagine how hard that must have been. I would have been bawling right along with you if that were me. I'm so sorry. Well, maybe he'll be able to use his special backpack in a different school!!! :) I do hope that you can find the right place for him where he can be happy and successful.