As I was thinking of a blog title..( I am trying to save on time, as I am loosing more and more of it with two boys.) I decided to post a blog of Karson's and Kaid's Firsts. It's really Ironic that Kaid lost his first baby tooth on the 27th, Karson just got TWO baby teeth in on the Bottom...
I have tried and Tried to take pictures of both of them ALL day on the 27Th, going around ( feeling like a nerd) Crawling on my hands and knees trying to get the " Shot" I swear, I DO not have what It takes'..Every time karson' or kaid smile really big, I click the camera, and then look and it's not on, or I have it in the wrong setting. Trying not to curse at myself, in front of the boys' I just smile.. and try for another time.Thoe's who Have boy's will know that getting that first shot is a miracle, at least for me. So here are what I did take, Kaid was really so proud of his Tooth. He show es everyone,At school, the teacher Say's at sharing time kaid stood up and talked all about his tooth.. I SO wish I was there for that! As well, He' was SO happy that Tinkerbell was going to visit him aka. Tooth Ferry and leave him a present.
And karson, My sweet little boy, if his soothie is not in his mouth, his fingers are. We very much prefer the soothie over the fingers, as... it's just a Tad eariser to take away the soothie. rather than his fingers.
I will post more cute teeth shots of kar when I feel a second wind, for a photo op day..
Kris.. This is when I need you... Well. not just because Of my Major Lack of Photography...
1 love notes:
I left this long comment, then blogger was down and It kicked me! Dont put the camera down, sometimes I feel like I just dont get it either, your great. I love those boys!!
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