Monday, July 27, 2009

Just for you...Chapps

Well.. I have been going a little coo coo lately, Moving, heat, 9mo old teething. The other day The Night at The Roxberry was on TV. Every time I watch this, I just loose it and almost Pee my Pants. So.. This is For you Kris, (My sis.. & Kim ) Dedication to Bob that Head.. and Just turn it up loud.. and sing like no one Kris, do you remember driving back from Bremerton, when we were in HS, listening to this Really loud.. { almost embarrassed to admit this } We were laughing pretty much all the way home to Bainbridge Island

1 love notes:

Kristen said...

Oh my gosh, I think I just peed my pants from laughter, I totally remember, and that song just makes me smile everytime..thanks for making my night!!!! Go to target, get out of the heat dear!