Wednesday, May 20, 2009

~ Update, Bigger Picture ~

so.. after, crying about the last post for what seams like days.. I got down and had a one on one talk with HF.   I just felt like I was not ready, I really wanted to be able to give him " my " nourishment.  Surprisingly tonight, as my little sweet pea woke up, he wanted to be BF, and all of a sudden my supply started coming in, just like it did in the beginning.  Tears, strolling down my face, Karson looking up to me with a big smile, ( I know he missed it as well)  I know all the water that I was drinking, to keep my supply up would not would not change the fact that...sometimes it's not our will, but his.  This was a true test in faith for me, Yeah.. it's a little silly, however I know that  my HF knows what's important to me as a mother, I am not too sure if this was just a one night treat, or if it's back to stay, nonetheless, I am SO grateful for this.

4 love notes:

MotherBeck said...

what a great story. Heavenly Father knows you and loves you and I guess he just wanted to let you know he was listening.

Kristen said...


smiliesar said...

Awesome!! There is a herbal pill you can take that helps your milk supply in most people Fenugreek herb. My SIL had great results with that.

The Woolner Family said...

No one will look down on you if you bottle feed. My kids were both bottle fed and, so far, they are just as healthy and smart as the next kid. I'm glad things are improving, but if for some reason it doesn't work out, don't stress over it. BF should be relaxing, not stressful.