Sunday, May 24, 2009

~ Hello again, Sw Medical Hospital ~

I am finally able to catch up a little,  on my blog. I feel like I have been out of touch for a little bit.  This last Friday night we experienced something that no parents want to.  I was out picking up some groceries, when Kent called me and said, " Kaid Fell hurry home!"  as the blood quickly left my head I began to feel dizzy, like the world was slowly rotating around my little world.  As I parked our car, leaving all the food in the car, i booked it, running up the stairs. Opening the door,  I was greeted by Kaid.  With a puzzled look on my face, I asked where he was hurt?  Knowing a little about Shock, and how sometimes your body can play tricks on us, We called our doctor.  Backing up, we live on the second story Apartment, off the kitchen is a sliding glass door, with a large deck.  With the kitchen looking at the deck, I let kaid play out there all the time, I can see him, he never does anything to alarm us or anything.  So business was usual, Kent being in the kitchen looking at kaid playing with his new toy " Whistle" when all of a sudden, ( 3 sec) Kent called kaid's name, he heard him, however sounded little far away.  After looking in the living room, he ran out on the deck, and peared over.  Kaid was standing up, with his arm raised, ( with his toy whistle in his hands ) " Dada ook"  . We still do not know if he jumped, or fell from peering over, being it a 25 ft fall, we thought something might have been broken.  So leaving off, when we were talking with the Dr, they told us that we needed to call 911* just in case he has something broken, they can check him out.. Again, I felt dizzy, and sick to my stomach. As I waited for the ambulance to come outside, I believe I was saying a million prayers, Please let kaid be OK.  At this point, Kaid was starting to cry, pretty badly, we were not sure if this was because he could see me crying.  In his mind, he dropped his toy and he wanted it, he sure got it.  The sad thing is with kaid, he can not really feel pain like you or I can, so if he was hurt, he was not showing us like he was, he was just making sure we were ok,  Sweet litle boy.. As the paramedics came in, and began to to there assessment, kaid went right up to the firefighter, and sat on his lap.. the seen was so sweet, knowing that they were there to help him, he was perfectly calm.  When the paramedics came in with the Child's Stretcher, with the head restraints, That's when I lost it.  I did not want to take pictures, as... I felt really guilty, however this was a day we will never forget.  As they were assessing kaid, they realized that he need to go to the hospital, to have a CT scan, just to make sure he does not have internal bleeding.  Kaid only wanted Kent by his side, so he rode with him, and I was following the ambulance, Tears were constantly flowing down my face, pleading with heavenly father to protect kaid, and the doctors that were to help him. This post could be So long with our experience, From the minute kaid was in the hospital, little miracles were taking place.  From the Doctor's that assisted him, ( best in the state, ) that's what we were told from our nurse.  The doctor told us with a fall that large, there is normally, Not Always, but some type of injury.
After the long wait for the results for the Ct scan, MRI Scan, everything was 100% OK! nothing!   A  miracle.  
We experienced an amazing other special miracle earlier before we left.  A  testimony to me that I will NEVER forget   What I will share about that, was the simple relization just how close your gardian angels really are.   I know that all our kiddo's are bendable,  with " rubbery" bones... sort of speaking.. able to bounce right back.. Not that we needed this experience to realize just how easily things could have been so much worse. There was 2 inches leaway from having kaid land flat on the cement, and landed on the grass.  We noticed the next morning, that kaid  has a LARGE bruise from right ear all the way down his neck, and large bruise on 3 ribs.  Just a tough little kid too.  Kaid was admitted for the night observation, kaid wanted me to stay, and man were we in for a long ride, At about 4am he wound down, about 2:30 he kept pointing to his hand, ( the Iv hand) I told him that he needed to leave it in, as I was fading, all of a sudden he handed me the rubber Iv!!! What!! Next.. Is pretty Sick.. I never saw so much blood,   He just Ripped it out.. As he started to scream, I started to get worked up, and the nurses came in.. calm as could be.  Everything was of course fine,  pretty traumatic,  to see him in so much pain.

Thank you, everyone that sent well wishes, We love you all and appreciate all your love..


                                                            Kaid being set on the stretcher in our living room.
                                               Being Rushed to the Ct Scan, not able to move his head, Neck..
                                 After ct, went back to room, Did not like his Iv, that they blocked so he would 
                                                 not pull out..little did they know..what he was going to do..
                                    That goodness for Elmo! He had an Elmo Dr. Doll.. he went " boom boom boom"
                                      when she checked his heart.. as that's the sound Elmo made.. too cute.
                                                     Only one person was able to be in the Ct Scan, Kaid had death
                                                                     grip on Kent, so.. I waited out in the hall.
                                                         Man.. what a trooper though, after the Iv was out.. 
                                                                         things were so much better..

5 love notes:

Maggie said...

what a scary experience! Im sure glad everything is okay!

MotherBeck said...

I am so glad Kaid is ok! He is such a sweet and special little guy.

Cheryn said...

What a sweet miracle! And to see the bruising yet knowing he is fine...what a relief! Hopefully you won't be back at SW anytime soon!!! Sending lots of love your way.

Corey said...

What a scare that must have been! Why do these little guys have to go through so many scary experiences? I can't believe how quickly things happen when you aren't paying 100% attention to them. But who has that kind of time?

Noell said...

We are SO grateful for heaven's blessings to Kaid and all of you - no doubt about it - miracles. Andrea & Kent you are such good parents, your boys are so blessed by your love and tender care. Miss you all!