Monday, June 16, 2008

My Doll Boy

Howdy! Kaid and I are in Utah now, it's been So awesome! Last week we went to the park in bountiful, called Rocket Park ( now Tolman park) and we saw this little boy, ( maybe 7-8) carrying a doll with him. Ok.. I was a little worried at first, I am not going to lie, I was like what the fetch is this little dude doing. But, as I thought about how cute it was, you will understand why in my post. Isabella, moses and Kaid were all playing with this boy, when all of a sudden he said. " I will be back, I have to go change my baby!" Trying to fight back the laughter, I just kept watching all of them interact. So, Fast track to a few days later, me and my sister's took the kido's to I am a Child of God museum, downtown SLC. I was shown by this precious moment that Kaid is going to be just fine with our new addition to our family soon to come. There was this Baby doll area, Bella, his cousin that he LOVES, was rocking the baby, and then giving the doll a bath. Kaid saw this and did the same thing. I had never shown him how to be so gentle, or how to carefully wash the baby's hair. I was sitting back while my Sister, ( The Pro Photographer ) Snapped these priceless photos. I really feel that Kaid is going to be SUCH a Great BIG brother! Our new one comes End of October ( Actual date 11/8) but I was early with Kaid. Wanted to share this, anyone that knows kaid this is sweet to watch him be calm, cool and collected. Even if it was for only a few min. I love you Kaid!

2 love notes:

Corey said...

That is so sweet! Kaid will love being an older brother. We got Hyrum a doll the Christmas before Jonah was born and he loved it. It was good practice for him to be gentle with and helped him to understand the whole process of having a new baby. It'll probably take some adjusting, but I'm sure Kaid will adapt well. It's cool being a big brother. We also got Hyrum the book, "I'm a Big Brother" by Joanna Cole. It's a simple read and gets them excited about the new baby in the house.

Tina said...

Oh, Kaid is so cute! Im glad to see your blog, way cute!!! Kaid is going to be so cute to your new baby!!