January 19th Kent and I celebrated our 6th year being married. Time just goes by, you blink your eye.. and it's the next part of your life. So many changes, and happy.. hard times. I know that everything happens for a reason, and that things are meant to be the way they are, having faith that things in life with not be so hard is what we all should hold on to. Or just me. lol. Some times I wish I could snap my fingers and kaid would talk.. and play with regular kids, no pity pot here, just blessed that I have so much, and would not trade it for the world. OK this was my sappy post for the month.
Thanks for every one's support through the Hard time's. Life would be too easy if we did not have them right?
1 love notes:
Cute Picture! I meant to call you that night, and we have talked since, but I feel so bad I never said happy anniversary! What did you do? I know life is challenging right now, but its just a season, things are bound to get better. I did get the awesome clothes, Mose even wore Kaids sweater to church today..thank you so much for them, we love it!!
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