Monday, January 7, 2008

Oh.Dress up Time. New Year Eve


we were Groom's and Bride's maid's this new year's eve.  I have to say this dress was awesome,
however I was SO excited to get out of.  It was bitter sweet for us, as we were married in the same hall, 6years prior.  When the bride was walking down, it was hard for me and kent not to cry, and then when they said " Till death do you part" that's so sad to us.  We talked about that after and rejoiced in knowing that familes can be together forever.  
Well.. I am new at this.. and my hand freakn hurts...
Tooda loo..
Dre xoxo

1 love notes:

Kristen said...

These pictures are you guys are /so pretty!! I am so glad you have a post now, i will be checking it often, so stickt to it baby!