So I am sitting on my computer, and yes, looking at all the baby things. I am funny I know.. but it's So fun. I found some really great strollers, and wanted some feed back. When kaid was little, I got him a stroller set that I thought would last forever.. wishful thinking. maybe 2 years. So here I am again. My friend has a bugabo stroller, though I love it, is it practical? then I saw this one.. I love it! I added the link, It's rockstar baby, and there's quizzy baby. I think. Well.. IT's so fun. I am hoping for a little one that Is healthy and happy, that can really ballance this family out with kaid. Kaid is touching my tummy, though there's just a little pooch, nothing yet.. it's going to be great for him to watch at learn. I have this book from my psy237 class, all about Human Development, it has the stages, with vivid pictures, Kaid is digging it.. maybe he know's more than I think.. I know that he knew this little baby, and Is so excited to see her/him. well.. to all my friends out there, that look at this blog, but do not comment, I need some advice, I know it's way way down the road, but I am a planner.. and for my family.. well.. I know you will respond, I appriciate that.. Well we are off to the park.
1 love notes:
I lefta comment on this one but its gone now...weird. I really love this little buggy but I wonder how practical it would be after the newborn three months old, unless it turns into an upright sitting, it might not work, having said that though, It would be tough not to buy ,simply for the cuteness factor!
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